Professor Sarah Ruiz
My name is Sarah Ruiz. I am the head of research at the Paragordia National Research Facility. I am starting this log to document the research of a new project, commissioned by the CEO of the Worm Species Appreciation Society, ██████ ██████. The details of the commission state to develop a form of transdimentional travel to a specific dimention. While we at the PNRF have already been able to work with Worm Holes for a long time now, we have never been able to manipulate them towards our own will. Today we begin testing of different technologies to manipulate Worm Holes, to allow the space time continuum to bend to our will.
Attempt 1: High Pressure Chamber
Result: Failure- Worm Hole Exploded. Test Subject Injured.
Attempt 2: Low Pressure Chamber
Result: Failure- Worm Hole Shrunk too quickly. Subject ████ ██ █████ ████ █████████
Research Halted
Conclusion: Newton's 3rd Law Applies to Worm Holes